The section meeting speakers and report themes will be made public in September. The deadline of article submission is the 10th of september.

The International Congress on the theme "The development of science in the globalized world: Turkology. Linguistics. Philology" dedicated to 100-year anniversary of the academician Rabiga Satygalikyzy Syzdyk


        At the International Congress dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician Rabiga Satygalievna Syzdyk, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Shokan Ualikhanov Prize, recipient of the Barys Order of the 1st and 3rd degrees, member of the Türk Dil Kurumu, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor, and distinguished Turkologist-linguist, new paradigms in Kazakh linguistics, philology, and Turkology will be discussed.

        The international congress will be attended by public figures, domestic and foreign scholars in Kazakh linguistics, philology, and Turkology, as well as writers and representatives of the media.

The main directions of the congress are as follows:

  1. The scientific legacy of academician Rabiga Syzdyk: linguistics and Turkology in synchronic and diachronic aspects.
  2. Current issues in Ahmetology and Alashology.
  3. New horizons in Abai studies.
  4. The history of writing and the dynamics of Kazakh orthology development.
  5. The contemporary state and prospects of speech culture and stylistics development.
  6. Research on oral and written literary language.
  7. Kazakh lexicology and lexicography: history, problems, and new research.
  8. Linguistic research in the anthropocentric paradigm: corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, artificial intelligence.
  9. The Kazakh language in the education system: problems of educational texts and textbooks, innovative language learning technologies.
  10. Philological knowledge and research.
  11. Turkic languages in the era of globalization: linguistic-philological aspect.
  12. Development of Turkic languages: results and new directions.


Akhmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics, the International Turkic academy and International "KAZAKH LANGUAGE" Society call for participation in the International Congress dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the academician RABIGA SATYGALIYEVNA SYZDYK



Date of the congress: 18-19 October, 2024

Venue: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, "Kazakhstan" hotel, "Altyn Emel" conference hall, Dostyk street, 52

  Rabiga Satygalikyzy (Galikyzy) Syzdyk is a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a laureate of the Shokan Ualikhanov Prize, a recipient of the Order of "Barys" of the 1st and 3rd degrees, a member of the Türk Dil Kurumu, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a Doctor of Philological Sciences, a professor, and an outstanding Turkologist-linguist.

     The academic research of Rabiga Satygalikyzy Syzdyk on the history of language, the language of written monuments, the word formation of Abai, and the scientific endeavors of Alash intelligentsia, orthology and literary language, word prosody, speech culture and stylistics, lexicology, and lexicography have elevated modern Kazakh linguistics and Turkology to a new level.            The congress will discuss new paradigms in Kazakh linguistics, philology, and Turkology in the context of the scientific legacy of academician Rabiga Satygalikyzy Syzdyk.            The international congress will be attended by public figures, domestic and foreign scholars in Kazakh linguistics, philology, and Turkology, as well as writers and representatives of the media.

The main directions of the congress are as follows:

1. The scientific legacy of academician Rabiga Syzdyk: linguistics and Turkology in synchronic and diachronic aspects.
2. Current issues in Ahmetology and Alashology.
3. New horizons in Abai studies.
4. The history of writing and the dynamics of Kazakh orthology development.
5. The contemporary state and prospects of speech culture and stylistics development.
6. Research on oral and written literary language.
7. Kazakh lexicology and lexicography: history, problems, and new research.
8. Linguistic research in the anthropocentric paradigm: corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, artificial intelligence.
9. The Kazakh language in the education system: problems of educational texts and textbooks, innovative language learning technologies.
10. Philological knowledge and research.
11. Turkic languages in the era of globalization: linguistic-philological aspect.
12. Development of Turkic languages: results and new directions.

Participation Terms for the Congress:

Working languages: Kazakh, Turkic languages, English, and Russian.
Format: offline / online.
To participate in the congress, it is necessary to register by September 10, 2024, using the links provided below and submit the text of the report. Attached files should be named after the author's last name and initials (first co-author). Example: "A. Askarov. Report.doc".
A special collection of scientific articles will be published based on the congress proceedings.
Participants will receive certificates, which will be sent electronically along with the collection of congress reports.
Travel and accommodation expenses are to be covered by the participants themselves.

Contact phone numbers:
7-707190-60-61  Zharas

 With respect, the Organizing Committee

Technical requirements for formatting the article:

  • The article should be submitted in electronic format (.doc, .docx, .rtf).
  • Font size: 12 (abstract, keywords, references - 10; text in tables - 9-11). Font type: Times New Roman. Alignment: justified. Line spacing: single. Paragraph indentation: 0.8 cm. Margins: top and bottom - 2 cm, left and right - 2 cm.
  • Figures, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc., should be directly inserted into the text with numbering and captions (e.g., Fig. 1 - Caption).
  • The first line should contain the MNRTI number.
  • The optimal length of the title is 5-7 words. The title should be in bold, lowercase letters, and centered. It should be presented in Kazakh, Turkic languages, English, and Russian.
  • Author(s) of the article: initials and surname, affiliation (note: provide the full name of the institution or university), country, city (maintain the order). If multiple authors are from the same institution or university, numbering is not required. If authors are from different institutions, numbering is required.
  • Country and city names should be in Kazakh, English, and Russian. Provide an email address. Author information should be in lowercase letters and centered.
  • Below, in the center, provide a hyperlink to the ORCID ID (registration instructions can be found in the attached files:
  • The abstract should be at least 160 words long in Kazakh, English, and Russian, and should not exceed 300 words. Font size: 10.
  • Provide 5-6 keywords/phrases in Kazakh, English, and Russian.
  • The list of references should be arranged in the order of citation in the text.
  • The article must be at least 4 pages long.
  • There is no limit on the size of the article.

Application sample for Congress participation

  • Full name
  • Full name of the workplace
  • Position, academic degree, academic title
  • Country, city
  • Contact phone with the city code
  • E-mail
  • Direction / section (write fully)
  • Title of the report / speech
  • Form of the report / speech
  • If an invitation is required, please provide the following information for the organization or university leader to whom the invitation will be addressed: phone number, email address, full name, position, academic degree, and title.
  • The filename for the application should be: "Author's Last Name - Application.doc" (for example, "Aidarov - Application.doc").
  • Applications should be submitted by email to one of the email addresses provided by the Organizing Committee before September 10, 2024.
You possess an amazing inner beauty. Inner beauty is the beauty of the soul! Beauty is attractiveness, sincerity, wisdom, and intelligence. Beauty is, above all, maternal happiness.
Mukhtar Auezov
Kazakh Soviet writer, public figure, scholar in the field of literature and philology, the first academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (1946), Doctor of Philological Sciences and Professor (1946), Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR (1957).
When I read Rabiga Syzdyk's works on Abai studies, I thought it was a real scientific feat, as if the researcher had written them alongside the great Abai himself.
Abu Sarsenbayev
poet, writer. People's Writer of Kazakhstan (1996). Veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Recipient of the Order of Parasat.
Rabiga Syzdykova, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences, a true scholar actively engaged in language issues.
Abduali Kaidar
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.
One of the prominent contemporary representatives of Kazakh linguistics is Rabiga Syzdykova. Each scientific study by this renowned scholar gives the impression of uncovering new layers of national linguistic science.
Gabit Musrepov
People's Writer of Kazakhstan, playwright, critic, state and public figure. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1958), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974), People's Writer of Kazakhstan.
One of the prominent contemporary representatives of Kazakh linguistics is Rabiga Syzdykova. Every scientific study by this renowned scholar creates the impression as if it uncovers new layers of the national science of language.
Abilbek Nurmagambetov
linguist, Doctor of Philological Sciences.
Dulat, Rabiga and Oralkhan

/A stallion knows a stallion/

For a long time, I had been spiritually starving, my mind clouded, unable to read or hear anything that would light on the castle of my heart, and then, in a moment of despair, there came the July (1987) issue of the "Kazakh literature" newspaper which quality had been decreasing lately. Lying in the sanatorium, I flipped through it indifferently, as if asking "what could be there?" "Dulat the poet". The article by Rabiga Syzdyk. I liked it very much. For 20 years now I have been intending to write an article about Dulat Babataiuly. In any case, I believe Dulat to be the teacher of Abai. Abai took many of his similes from Dulat. The article by Rabiga Syzdyk is a perfectly literate, just, credible, and empathetic article. I specifically adored the opinion: "Speaking of Kazakh poetry whilst omitting such a poet as Dulat is similar to presenting a nice coat with a sleeve or a hem missing". R. Syzdykova is a true scientist, a highly cultured and knowledgeable person. I myself respect that person.

/Oralkhan Bokey/

Oralkhan Bokey

Kazakh Soviet writer, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1986), laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of the Kazakh SSR (1976) and laureate of the All-Union Prize named after Nikolai Ostrovsky (1978). Has government awards: Order of the Badge of Honor, Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Kazakh Armed Forces. SSR.
The Treasure Trove of Thought

Whenever I met her, instead of the general term "aпай" (an address towards an older woman), I would address her as "Әпке" (elder sister) to express my closeness. Now that she has passed away, I have chosen to use "Әпке" in this tribute, just as I did when she was alive, rather than frequently repeating her name.

During one of our meetings, after learning that I was from Zaisan in the East and had been dabbling in prose, she mentioned that she had read a few of my stories in various publications. She did not offer superficial praise like "you're on the right track." Instead, she suggested that the languages of Eastern writers like Kalikhan Iskakov, Kabysh Zhumadilov, and Oralhan Bokey revealed notable innovations and unique qualities worth emulating. She hinted that these aspects might require focused research.

I have a number of her books at home, many with her personal inscriptions. When reading them, along with articles she specifically wrote about some of my works, I can't help but feel a human sense of pride, thinking, "Well, I haven't been idle after all." In her book The History of the Kazakh Literary Language (1993), she wrote, "To my brother Kadirbek, who has a talent for discovering the essence and beauty of our mother tongue. With all best wishes from the author." In her book The Oral Development of the Kazakh Literary Language (2014), she inscribed, "In order to respect myself as I approach the milestone of ninety, I wrote and published this monograph in 2011-2014. With great respect to my writer brother Kadirbek, who has a profound appreciation for the value of words. Rabiğa Syzdykova. 01.10.2015." In other inscriptions, she greatly valued my modest efforts. I understand that she wrote these words to encourage me and to deepen my appreciation for the value of language.

As for her book The Kazakh Language Guide (Orthography, Punctuation, Word Stress, 2000), she inscribed, "Kadirbek, this might be useful for your daily work. From the author, Rabiğa Syzdykova." This book has not moved from my writing desk for over 20 years. It has been my silent advisor...

Kadirbek Segizbayuly

writer, translator, journalist

Тіліңіз тәтті, ойыңыз қандай!
Тыңдадым, ұқтым жан күйіңізді.
Болар ем күнде бір жасарғандай, -
Көп туса қазақ дәл сіздей қызды!
Ойыңыз жарқын, тойыңыз жақын!
Қуаныш, бақыт - бір өзіңізде...
Жүрегіңізге тимесін салқын,
Ұрынба, жаным, ертелей күзге.

Автор: Қасым Аманжолов



Рәбиға Сыздыққа
Сөз-жұлдыз аспанын самғаған,
Жасынан аңсаған сәтті адам.
Ұлттық тіл әлемін шарлаған,
Рәбиға ғарышкер деп қалам.

Таза тіл мүддесін көздеген,
Ұрпаққа керегім тіл деген.
Қызғыштай өз көлін қорғаған,
Қалт етпес, өмірден безбеген.

Қазылып жатқанын тіл кені,
"Сөз-құдірет" орнады діңгегі.
Ел үшін шын құтты құбылыс,
Сөзді де сөйлете білгені.

Сүйсінтіп жүйесін анықтау,
Сиқыр сөз сөліне қанықты-ау.
Тұңғиық ой салды санама,
Тым биік қияда шарықтау.

Қарсы жел, дауылға көнбестен,
Селк етпей ол талай сел кешкен.
Рәбиға сөз зерлеу төрінде,
Алды орын атанын мол көштен.

Бұлбұлдай көркейткен тал ішін,
Аққудай жан қияр жары үшін.
Аралап қыз-жұлдыз жүре бер,
Сөз-жұлдыз қазақша ғарышын.

Кәкімбек Салықов

15.10.2004 ж.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Әдетте, ел мен қоғамға еңбегі сіңген адам дүние салғаннан кейін «бұл кісінің өмірі енді жалғасады» деп айтылып жатады. Рəбиғатану ғылымы енді басталып келе жатқандай. Бірақ қаншама «білдік» десек те, Рəбиға апай жөнінде сөз айту қиын, көп толғандырады. Өйткені Апай ғылым жолындағы, өмір жолындағы ғұмыры өзгелерге ұқсамайтын, өзгеше болмыс иесі еді. Ұстаз тілтанымның 15-ке жуық түрлі саласы бойынша ғылыми, құнды, теңдессіз еңбектер қалдырды. Апайдың мұрасын зерделеу қазіргі ғылыми бағыттардың ұлттық кодты тереңдете танып-білуге түбегейлі бет бұруына үлес қосары анық. Өзі айтқандай, нар жүгін арқалаған қайсар, қайратты, қарым-қабілеті қайран қалдыратын Тұлғасы ұлт тарихындағы Ұлы дала тұлғаларының, қазақ əйелдерінің шоғырының биігінен орын алады. Қазақ сөзінің құдіретін сезінген, сөздің тылсым сырларын өзінің прагматикалық қуаты арқылы насихаттаған Ұстаз Тілдік тұлға болатын. Ендеше, Ұстаздың Тұлғалық келбетін таныту ізбасарлары мен шəкірттерінің рухани санасы оянған ұлт алдындағы парызы да, міндеті де болмақ.
Ғылым жолында шамшырақ болған, өмір жолында бағыт берген Ұлы дала тұлғасы – Ұстазды қырық жылдай біліп, тағылымын алғанымды, шəкірті болғанымды мақтан етемін.

A. Aldasheva.

Doctor of philological sciences, professor.

  • 30
    Important information from the specialists in the field
  • 16
    Large-scale two-day event
  • 300
    Establishing scientific liaisons and collaborations between local and foreign scholars
  • Nurlan Orazalin
    State and public figure, poet, playwright, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan (2002), Honored Worker of Kazakhstan.
  • Zeynep Bazarbayeva
    Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher at the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics.
  • Anar Fazylzhan
    Director of the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics, Candidate of Philological Sciences.
  • Birsel Karakoç
    Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of Turkic Languages, Uppsala University, Sweden.
  • Fauzia Orazbayeva
    Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
  • Berdibay Shalabay
    Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University.
  • Kalbike Esenova
    Doctor of Philological Sciences, Research Professor at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
  • Nergis Biray
    Doctor of Philological Sciences, Turkey, Pamukkale University.
  • Bagdan Momynova
    Doctor of philological sciences, professor
    Principal researcher at A. Baitursynuly Institute of linguistics
  • Gulgaysha Sagidoldakyzy
    Doctor of philological sciences, professor
    Professor of the Kazakh linguistics department at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Full information about the speakers
         Member of the Council of Senators of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
         N. Orazalin is an outstanding figure in literature, extolling the spirit of the Kazakh nation and national values at the junction of two centuries, deeply contemplating in his dramatic works. In all his activities, actively contributing to the strengthening of the statehood of Kazakhstan, he has repeatedly emphasized from the tribunes that language is the sacred concept capable of preserving the nation. He dedicated his poems, dramatic works, artistic-political essays, and popular science articles to the wonderful facets of the Kazakh word, which elevate the spirit of today's generation. In our time, when globalization and nationalization begin to clash, he actively participates in the issues of preserving the vitality of the Kazakh language, increasing its competitiveness, and expanding its use as a state language, performing a mission of intergenerational cultural transmission. He demonstrates great strength and capabilities in preserving the integrity of our spiritual space and national thinking system, being an outstanding writer, respected personality, and renowned state and public figure.
         In 1991-1992, he was the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Science, Education, and Culture in the Supreme Chamber of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, from 1993 to 1996, he was the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper "Egemen Kazakhstan," and from 1993 to 1998, he was a member of the National Council under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. From 1996 to 2018, he was elected Chairman of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan at various congresses (1996, 2002, 2007, 2012). From 2013 to 2016, he was a member of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the years, he has also performed public duties, such as Adviser to the Chairman of the Senate of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Human Rights Protection Commission under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
         Nurlan Orazalin has spoken and made presentations on these issues at numerous international forums held in Almaty, Astana, Moscow, Washington, New York, Chicago, San Diego, Paris, Beijing, Shanghai, Urumqi, Mecca-Medina, Rome, Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, Konya, Seoul, Kyiv, Baku, Tashkent, Bishkek, Dushanbe, Yerevan, and other cities.
         Nurlan Orazalin is the Chairman of the international organization "Dialogue Eurasia," headquartered in Istanbul, Deputy Chairman of the International Association of Writers' Organizations in Moscow, Co-Chairman of the International Literary Fund, Vice-President of the Cultural Assembly of the Peoples of Central Asia.
         Nurlan Orazalin has been awarded the orders "Құрмет" (2005), "Парасат" (2010), "Barys III" (2017), "Barys I" (2022), and medals. Honored Worker of Kazakhstan (1998). He is the recipient of many international awards and medals. Honorary Citizen of Almaty (1998) and Almaty Region (2007).
         Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher at the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics. In 1983, she defended her candidate dissertation on "The Intonation of Parenthetical Units in Languages of Different Types (Based on French, Kazakh, and Russian)", and in 1997, her doctoral dissertation on "The Intonational System of the Kazakh Language". In 2003, she was awarded the title of professor. In 2013, she was elected Corresponding Member of NAS RK, and in 2020, she became a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
         Under the initiative of the scholar, the theory of Kazakh intonation was developed based on experimental analysis, and intonology was established as an independent field of linguistics. Z.M. Bazarbayeva is involved in issues of Kazakh language, comparative linguistics, and Turkology, and since 2000, she has been leading fundamental and applied research programs in the fields of intonology, communicative syntax, analysis and synthesis of Kazakh speech, applied linguistics, discourse theory, historical phonetics, and diachronic phonology. Under her supervision, more than 10 candidate and 2 PhD doctoral dissertations have been defended. Over 300 scientific works have been published, including 10 monographs, 5 textbooks, and dictionaries. In 2022, a five-volume collection of her works was published by "Everest". I. Intonology. II. Foundations of Kazakh Phonology. III. Kazakh Intonation. IV. Typological Study of the Intonation of Parenthetical Units. V. Personalities.
         Over the years, she has served as a member of the commission for evaluating research projects submitted to the Science Fund for the formation of fundamental research programs, a member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), and a member of the National Scientific Council (NSC) for Humanities and Social Sciences.
         Since 2020, she has been the director of the A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics. In 2000, under the scientific supervision of Z.M. Bazarbayeva, she defended her candidate dissertation on "The Intonation of Complex Sentences in the Kazakh Language (Experimental-Phonetic Research)" with a specialization in 10.02.02 – Kazakh language.
         She has lectured and conducted seminars on courses such as modern phonetics, morphology, syntax of the Kazakh language, as well as on paralinguistics, computer linguistics; developed standard and working programs for courses "Computer Linguistics", "Paralinguistics" for graduate students of Kazakh philology, and "Morphology" for undergraduates; she is one of the authors of didactic materials for 10th grade on "Kazakh Language Speech Culture", the explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language, the orthoepic guide, bilingual and normative dictionaries.
         From 1999 to 2002, she was a recipient of the President's Scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented young scientists, received the state award named after M. Auezov for talented young scientists in 2007, and in 2008 she became a laureate of the Science and Technology Award of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a member of the Orthographic Working Group of the National Commission on the Transition of the Kazakh Script to Latin Alphabet under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she is actively involved in the development of the theoretical basis for the script reform, shaping public opinion, and determining practical foundations; she is one of the leading scholars in the country. She is the leader of the "National Corpus of the Kazakh Language" project.
         She is the author of 3 textbooks, 1 reference book, 1 monograph, and more than 200 scientific articles.
         BIRSEL KARAKOC, Doctor of Philology, since 2016 – Professor at the Department of Turkic Languages ​​at Uppsala University, Sweden.
In 2001 she defended her doctoral dissertation at the Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany.
         Higher education: graduated from Gazi University in 1989 with a degree in Turkish Language and Literature, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
         Main scientific directions: typology of Turkic languages, morphosyntax and semantics of Turkic languages ​​(especially Nogai, Turkic, Turkic Karakhanid, Old Anatolian Turkic language, features of the use of the Turkish language in Germany and Iran), features of documentation and characteristics of the Nogai language; comparative Turkic linguistics, contact linguistics.
         Current project: Azerbaijani language in Isfahan in the 17th century, official transcriptions in texts (chief director - B. Karakoch, performers - Lars Johansson, Eva A. Chato).
         This project explores the special situation of the use of Turkic languages ​​in multilingual Isfahan in the 17th century. During this period in Persia, types of Turkic languages ​​called lingua turcica agemica with the character of lingua franca were used in everyday communication by native speakers who knew Turkic languages, as well as at the Safavid court. Previous studies have examined this language (lingua franca) primarily through texts written in Arabic.
         However, the target text was translated by the famous Raphael du Man (1613-1696), who retained the French orthography. The text, written in Latin letters, conveys valuable information that is not encrypted in Arabic sources. The translator has tried to create a written code suitable for language users who know the various features of the Azerbaijani language.
         The goal of the project is to study the features of the languages ​​of the Turkic period, which are described in this text. The expected results will contribute to the historical development of West Asian, including Central Asian languages ​​in Persia, and will determine the features of the processes of development and formation of the modern Azerbaijani language.
         Currently, a collection of texts with a dictionary has been developed. In addition, within the framework of this project it is planned to conduct a linguistic analysis of the grammar of the Azerbaijani language included in texts and manuscripts from the point of view of historical and contact linguistic aspects.
         The project is directly related to two important areas of Turkish studies at Uppsala University. Project participants are also involved in popularizing the research traditions of Swedish scientists in the field of Turkic studies. The project is considered a continuation of the Gunnar Jarring Memorial Program of the Swedish Council for Advanced Research (Csató, Johanson, Róna-Tas, & Utas, 2016). In addition, the project aims to provide an in-depth analysis of previous studies on the history of Turkic studies at Uppsala University (Csató, Johanson, Gren-Eklund & Karakoç, 2021).
         The manuscript taken as the object of study is in the collection of the Uppsala University Library.
         Nergis Biray is the head of the Department of Turkic Languages and Literatures at Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey), a Doctor of Philological Sciences, and a professor. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on "The Language of Kazakhs in Turkey." In her research, she conducts comparative studies of Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Turkmen languages among Turkic peoples. Having deeply studied the life and works of Ahmet Baitursynov, she became the first Turkologist to introduce him to Turkey. Currently, she maintains close ties with scholars of Turkic languages from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and other countries. She has authored over 300 scientific articles, more than 15 textbooks and monographs based on her research findings. Over 30 students have defended dissertations in Turkology under her supervision, contributing to the advancement of science. Recognized for her significant contributions to enhancing scientific, literary, and cultural relations between Turkey and Kazakhstan, she has been honored with special awards including a letter from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a special certificate, and medals.
         Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, "Best University Teacher," laureate of the 1st degree Shokan Ualikhanov Prize, Academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education.
Research Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Kazakh Language at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
         Research Areas: foundations of Language Communication, Theory and Methodology of Communication in Kazakh Linguistics, Communicative-Cognitive Method, Lexicology, Semasiology, Methods of Teaching Kazakh Language, Scientific-Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Proficiency Levels in Kazakh Language.
         Research Innovation: co-author of the Kazakh language course DEMO developed in collaboration with the language center "Edusodt" in Israel (2007). Developed the concept, standards, typical program, educational and methodological complexes, and electronic textbooks for a six-level educational and methodological complex for studying Kazakh language based on international language proficiency models and European standards such as TOEFL, DALF/DELF, ALTE, IELTS (2006). Author of the concept and educational-methodological complex for Kazakh language education levels in Russian-speaking schools from grades 1 to 11 (2014-2023).
         Public Activities: member and Secretary of the Linguistic Commission for Testing State Language Proficiency of Presidential Candidates in Kazakhstan (1999, 2005, 2010, 2015). Member of the Dissertation Council for "Kazakh Language and Literature" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (1989-1990), Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai (1997-2001), Kyrgyz Academy of Education and Kyrgyz State University named after J. Balasagyn (2008-2011). Currently serves as Chairman of the Dissertation Council for "Kazakh Language and Literature" at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
         Chair of the jury of the Republican Olympiad in Kazakh Language, member of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other commissions.
         Scientific Works: "Exemplary Life." Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. – Almaty: "Қазақ университеті", 2019. "World of Thoughts and Words." Volume 1. – Almaty: "An Aris", 2019. "Language Communication." Volume 2. – Almaty: "An Aris", 2019. "Language Space." Volume 3. – Almaty: "An Aris", 2019. "Language Roots." Lecture Course. Volume 4. – Almaty: "An Aris", 2019. "Level Kazakh Language." Scientific-methodical monograph. Volume 5. – Almaty: "An Aris", 2019. "Issues of Kazakh Linguistics." Anthology. – Almaty: "Қазақ тілі", 2019. "Synonymous Adjectives in the Kazakh Language. Semantic Criterion for Defining Synonymous Adjectives in the Kazakh Language." Scientific Monograph. Germany. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing RU. International Book Market Service Ltd., member of the OmniScriptum Publishing Group, 2019. "Kazakh Script in Latin: Linguistics. Methodology." Monograph (co-authored). – Almaty: "Tauғul-Print", 2020. "Kazakh Script in Latin: Methodology. Methodology." Textbook (co-authored). – Almaty: "Tauғul-Print", 2020. "Kazakh Script in Latin." Educational-methodical guide (co-authored). – Almaty: "Tauғul-Print", 2020.
Professor F. Sh. Orazbayeva is the author of state standards and typical programs for the Kazakh language, grant projects, textbooks, and teaching aids. The scholar has 4 copyright certificates, 14 monographs, 9 educational standards, 45 educational programs, 82 textbooks, 174 educational-methodical aids, 187 reports, and articles. Her work has been published in 13 articles indexed in the Scopus database, with a Hirsch index of 2. In a competition announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she won 20 grant projects that play a significant role in the country's education system.
         Under the scientific guidance of Professor F. Sh. Orazbayeva, 15 doctoral dissertations and 39 candidate dissertations were defended in specialties 10.02.02 – Kazakh Language, 13.00.02 – Methods of Teaching Kazakh Language.
         International Scientific Relations: the scholar's works on linguistics and language teaching methodology have attracted attention in such countries as the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Czech Republic, Russia, Turkey, Bulgaria, China, USA, among others. For example: "Of Innovative Technology". South Korea, Seoul, Kangnam University (2010); "Cultural-Cognitive Communication", Austria, Ratten (2012); "Language Policy in Kazakhstan: Kazakh Language Programs and Their Social Foundations as Mechanisms of Education", Spain, Barcelona (2015); "Teaching Kazakh Language: Innovations in Writing Systems", USA, Austin (2018); "Introduction of Latinized Alphabet within New Educational Programs: Kazakhstan's Experience", Germany, Bielefeld (2019); "Study of Modern Proverbs: Digital, Cognitive, Literary, and Environmental Approaches", New York, Peter Lang (2022), among others.
         Professor F. Sh. Orazbayeva has been awarded the Medal "For Labor Valor" (2003), the Badge "For Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2008), the Badge "Prominent Scientist and Educator of Higher Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2005), the honorary title "Merited Figure of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2009), and the Order "Parasat" (2020).
         Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature at Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, Doctor of Philological Sciences. In 1973, under the scientific supervision of Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor M. Balakayev, he defended his candidate dissertation on "The Stylistic Function of Syntactic Means in G. Musrepov's Novel 'The Awakened Land'," and in 1997, under the scientific advisement of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan R. S. Syzdykova, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Scientific-Theoretical Foundations for Studying the Language of Fiction."
         He began his career in 1972 at the A. S. Pushkin (now M. Otemisov) Uralsk Pedagogical Institute, then worked at the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute, Abai Kazakh Pedagogical Institute, and al-Farabi Kazakh National University as an associate professor, professor, and department head.
         Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Berdibai Shalabay started his scholarly path by researching stylistics in linguistics. His books and textbooks on stylistics have played a significant role in conveying this field, founded by Academician R. Syzdykova, to new generations. The textbook "Linguistic Analysis of Fiction Texts," co-authored with Academician R. Syzdykova, was one of the first works in Kazakh linguistics dedicated to text research.
         Professor Berdibai Shalabay has lectured for more than 52 years on courses such as "Stylistics of the Kazakh Language," "Functional-Communicative Syntax of the Kazakh Language," "Topical Issues of Kazakh Linguistics," and "Text Linguistics," and has published textbooks and monographs on these subjects.
         During his career, he has supervised the preparation of 2 Doctors of Sciences, 34 Candidates of Sciences, and 3 PhDs.
         Professor-researcher at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philological Sciences.
         Research direction and laboratory work encompass pragmalinguistics, pragma-stylistics, medialinguistics, linguo-axiology, and linguopolitics. K. Yesenova is the author of over 250 scientific works.
         She lectures on pragmalinguistics, discourse theory, development of Kazakh media texts, theoretical foundations of journalistic style, linguistics, medialinguistics, political discourse, and communicative linguistics.
         K. Yesenova has authored 11 scientific monographs, 6 textbooks, and over 250 scientific articles. She is the author of books such as "Linguistic Expressions of M. Auezov's Publicism" (2005), "Pragmatics of Contemporary Kazakh Media Texts" (2007), "Current Aspects of Pedagogical Work" (2013, co-author, Odessa), "Current Problems of Linguistic Cognitology" (2014), "Current Issues in Turkology" (2016), "Linguistics: Pragmatics of Political Discourse" (2017), "Functional Grammar: Concepts and Categories" (2016), "Medialinguistics" (2015), "Pragmalinguistic Research in Linguistics" (2017), "Trends and Innovations in Fundamental and Applied Science" (2017), "Linguophilosophy" (2019), and "Linguo-axiology" (2020), as well as monographs on "Medialinguistics: Pragmatic Aspects of Language Study in Periodical Press" (2015), "Functional Grammar" (2016), "Linguo-axiology (Based on Kazakh Press Materials)" (2017), "Modern Kazakh Language" (2005, co-author), "Introduction to Linguistics" (2017), and "Current Issues in Linguistics" (2017).
         She is the author of fifteen volumes and a co-compiler of two-volume dictionaries: "Dictionary of Kazakh Literary Language", "Orthographic Dictionary of Kazakh Language", and "Kazakh-English-Russian, English-Russian, Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Business Language". She has contributed to projects on the development and periods of formation of Kazakh literacy under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, focusing on cultural heritage.
K. Yesenova has participated in international conferences and symposiums in China, Spain, Austria, Turkey, Czech Republic, Germany, UK, France, Poland, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and others, accumulating around 90 certificates of professional development.
         Her scientific works include 15 publications in international Scopus-indexed journals, 2 in the Index Hirsch, 8 monographs, 14 textbooks and teaching aids, 3 exemplary programs, 39 publications in scientific editions recommended by the Control Committee in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 31 in international publications indexed in other databases, 25 in collections of conferences, symposiums, and seminars in Kazakhstan, and 10 articles published in the media of Kazakhstan, alongside 8 author's certificates.
         She is a co-compiler of the fifteen-volume "Dictionary of Kazakh Literary Language", "Orthographic Dictionary of Kazakh Language", and "Kazakh-English-Russian, English-Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Business Language", all related to cultural heritage themes. These programs are implemented under the initiative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
         Currently serving as chair of the dissertation council and member of the ethics council in the specialty 6D021300-Linguistics at the university, K. Yesenova, a linguistics specialist, works productively in student training. She is also the leader of the research project "Language Content of Kazakh Society: Changes and Updates (Pandemic Period; 2020-2022)" under the competition for financing scientific and scientific-technical grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024. K. Yesenova is an experienced scientist with sufficient managerial and organizational experience, distinguished by analytical thinking abilities.
   In 1974-1979 she studied at the Faculty of Philology at the S.M. Kirov Kazakh State National University, and in 1989-1993 she was a postgraduate student at this university. She worked at the Department of Kazakh Philology at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University from 1993 to 2014.
   Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Philology at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2000-2003; Head of the Department of Kazakh Philology in 2007-2014; Member of the Academic Council of the Kazakh National University in 2010-2014 and the Memtermincom under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005-2010. In 1993, she defended her candidate's dissertation on the topic of "Sociopolitical vocabulary in the newspaper "Kazakh"", and in 1999 - her doctoral dissertation on the topic of "Vocabulary of Kazakh newspapers: system and structure", in 2001 she received the title of professor. Under her supervision, 15 candidates, 3 PhD, more than 50 masters defended their dissertations.
Works of Professor B. Momynova:
"Sociopolitical vocabulary in the newspaper" Kazakh "(1998)
"Newspaper vocabulary: system and structure" (1999)
"The language of Shakarim's poetry" (2008)
"New directions and typical relationships in language" (2009)
In 2011 - a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "History of the Kazakh literary language", in 2014 - "Morphology of the Kazakh language" (study guide, RSMC).
"Kazakh gestures in conversational etiquette and communication culture" (2016), etc.
   In general - the author of 11 monographs, 11 teaching aids, 2 textbooks (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 6 dictionaries, more than 230 scientific articles. One of the compilers of the 15-volume "Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Literary Language", one of the authors of the educational standards of universities for bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. Author of 6 articles in SCOPUS journals. Member of the working group on Orthography under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor B. Momynova is a laureate of the Sh. Valikhanov award (2005), winner of the state grant "Best University Teacher" in 2007 and 2011. The scientist also supervised the grant funding projects "Written Heritage and Text Analysis: Spelling, Word Formation and Linguopoetics of Fiction in the Journalism of the Early 20th Century" (2021-2023) and "The Language of Political Leaders and Public Figures: from the Leaders of Alash Orda in the Early 20th Century to Independence" (2022-2024).
   "Respected Doctor" of the EKNU named after S. Amanzholov (2017). In 2015-2020 - Chief Researcher of the Department of Language Culture at the A. Baitursynuly Institute of linguistics, in 2020 - Head of the Grammar Department. Since 2023 - Chief Researcher of this department.
   Doctor of Philology, Professor, recipient of the "Best University Teacher in the Republic of Kazakhstan" grant (2008; 2015).
   In 1981, she was admitted to the Faculty of Philology of Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (now Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), which she graduated from with honors in 1986, specializing as a "philologist, teacher of Kazakh language and literature."
   In 1993, G. Sagidolda defended her candidate dissertation in the specialty "10.02.06 – Turkic Languages" under the supervision of Doctor of Philology E. Kazhybekov at the D.53.38.01 Dissertation Council at the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2004, she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialties "10.02.06 – Turkic Languages" and "10.02.20 – Historical-Comparative, Contrastive and Typological Linguistics" under the supervision of Academician R.G. Syzdykova.
   The general focus of G. Sagidolda's research is closely connected with Altaistics and linguistic Turkology. The core of her research includes the problems of interrelation and interaction between Turkic and Mongolian languages, comparative-historical and contrastive-descriptive grammar of Turkic languages, comparative-historical morphology of Turkic languages, comparative lexicology and phraseology of Turkic languages, Turkic lexicography, linguoculturology, and conceptual linguistics. Additionally, it covers the documentation and introduction into scientific circulation of the languages and ethnic cultures of small Turkic-speaking populations on the verge of extinction and the problems of enhancing the linguistic mechanisms of Turkic integration in the 21st century.
   From 2001 to 2024, G. Sagidolda participated in 16 fundamental scientific projects in Turkology. Within these projects, she conducted research on Kazakh, Turkish, Chuvash, Kyrgyz, Uyghur, Sary-Uyghur, and Mongolian languages as part of international field expeditions in Turkey, the Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, and the People's Republic of China.
   From 2005 to 2009, she actively participated in the establishment of a three-tiered specialty "Turkology" (bachelor's, master's, doctoral) in Kazakhstan and led the development of the State Compulsory Education Standard (SCES) and standard curricula for this specialty. In 2007, for the first time in Kazakhstan, a three-tiered specialty "Turkology" was established on the basis of the Department of General Linguistics and Translation Theory at the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.
   From the official opening of the Turkic Academy on May 25, 2010, until 2014, G. Sagidolda, as a Turkologist-linguist, participated in developing the academy's strategy, defining the goals and objectives of scientific projects, and led international linguistic scientific projects.
   Professor of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, G. Sagidolda is the author and co-author of 170 scientific works, including 6 monographs, 7 textbooks, 2 educational and methodological manuals, and more than 150 scientific articles. She is also the author of 3 state education standards (SCES RK 6.08.037 – 2010. Higher Education. MES RK. Order No. 598; SCES RK 7.09.149 – 2010. MES RK. Order No. 514; SCES RK 7.09.149 – 2010. MES RK. Order No. 514) for the specialty 021200 – Turkology for the higher and postgraduate education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3 standard curricula for the master's program in the specialty 050117 – Kazakh Language and Literature, 10 standard curricula in Kazakh and Russian languages for the bachelor's program in the specialty 5V021200 – Turkology, as well as 4 dictionaries.
Date: October 18, 2024
Time: 10.00 – 13.00
Congratulatory speech from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
Congratulatory speech
Congratulatory speech from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek
Congratulatory speech
Shahin Mustafayev – President of the International Turkic Academy, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Academician
Congratulatory speech
Rauan Kenzhekhanuly – President of the International "KAZAKH LANGUAGE" Society
Congratulatory speech
Opening of the Congress
Video about academician Rabiga Syzdyk
Life in Science
Nurlan Orazalin – statesman and public figure, poet and playwright
The artistic word as deep knowledge
Zeynep Bazarbayeva, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philology, Professor (main report)
Lifetime honed by science
Anar Fazylzhan – director of the Institute of Linguistics named after. A. Baytursynuly
The phenomenon of the academician Rabiga Syzdyk: the current state and perspectives of local linguistics and Turkic studies
Birsel Karakoc – Doctor of Philology, Sweden, Uppsala University
Concepts about cognates in Kazakh and Turkic languages
Nergis Biraj – Doctor of Philology, Türkiye, Pamukkale University
The contribution of academician Rabiga Syzdyk to the world of Turkic studies
Fauzia Orazbayeva – Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
The scientific heritage of academician Rabiga Syzdyk is a source of spiritual values
Berdibay Shalabay – Doctor of Philology, Professor
Academician Rabiga Syzdyk – researcher of Kazakh stylistics
12.10 - 12.20
12.10 - 12.20
Kalbike Yesenova – Doctor of Philology
Academician R. Syzdyk's idiosyncratic style: pragmalinguistic analysis
12.20 - 12.30
12.20 - 12.30
Bagdan Momynova – Doctor of philological sciences, professor
Principal researcher at A. Baitursynuly Institute of linguistics
Stage division of the Kazakh literary language by the academician Rabiga Syzdyk and the modern division of the written literary language
12.30 - 12.40
12.30 - 12.40
Gulgaysha Sagidoldakyzy – Doctor of philological sciences, professor
Professor of the Kazakh linguistics department at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
R. Syzdyk and the linguistic direction of Yasewi studies
12.40 - 13.00
12.40 - 13.00
Opinion exchange


Date: October 18, 2024

Time: 15.00 – 17.00

The scientific expedition "Writing chiseled in stone" (A trip to the gorge of Tanbaly)

Date: October 19, 2024

Time: 9.00 – 18.00

TIME: OCTOBER 18-19, 2024
VENUE: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, "Kazakhstan" hotel, "Altyn Emel" conference hall, Dostyk street, 52

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