The Council of young scholars of the Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynuly (hereinafter referred to as the CYS) is an association that brings together young people of the Institute. The CYS aims to promote the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience of young scholars. At the same time, the CYS has the task of establishing contacts with CYSs of other scientific institutions in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and conducting mutually beneficial work. Currently, the CYS includes more than 30 members. The CYS operates in the following main areas:
Informing about the changes taking place in the field of linguistics and science in general;
Keeping up to date with changes, innovations, competitions for young scholars taking place in the field of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Providing information support to young scholars in establishing contacts with scholastic and science-related institutions in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and outside the Republic;
Development of organizational measures for effective joint work and interaction with other SSC organizations in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.