About the Council of Scholars of the Institute of Linguistics Named after A. Baitursynuly of the Ministry of Education and Science


I General Issues
1.The Council of Scholars (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is a consultative and advisory collegial body on the scholastic activities of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynuly of the Ministry of Education and Science (hereinafter referred to as the Institute).
2.The composition and procedure for the formation and competence of the Сouncil are determined by the Charter of the Institute in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on science. The council consists of the director of the Institute, deputy director, science secretary, heads of departments and divisions, young scholars and representatives of the trade union committee, leading scholars, members of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan working at the Institute and highly qualified specialists.
3.In its activities, the Council is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the strategy "Kazakhstan – 2030", the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on Science", "on Education", "the Concept of Scientific and Scientific-technical Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", "the Concept of Integration of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the activities of scientific institutions, as well as the Charter of the Institute and this regulating Rules.
II Main Tasks of the Council
1.Coordination of scholastic activities of creative teams of the Institute.
2.Identification of priority areas of fundamental and applied scientific research of the Institute.
3.Development of democratic forms of organization and management of science (scholastic work), including the search for directions of joint interaction of the Institute with state bodies and communities involved in the formation and implementation of the National scientific and technical policy.
4.Research and dissemination of the experience of organizing scholastic work.
5.Promote the development of international scholastic and scientific-technical cooperation.
III Functions of the Council

The Council for the performance of its duties:
- discusses the main directions of activities of the Institute;
-considers and submits for approval programs and plans of research work, implementation of the results of research work, training and professional development of scholastic personnel, holding conferences, meetings and seminars, etc.;
- considers reports on the results of scholastic and organizational activities of the Institute;
- discusses issues related to changes in the structure of the Institute, as well as the use of the established amount of costs for research work;
- conducts discussions on the most important problems of language science and Linguistics, listens to reports on topical issues of the development of linguistics, evaluates them;
- coordinates joint work with other scientific institutions and discusses the issues of creative associations;
- hears reports of scholastic and scientific-organizational activities of structural divisions and their leaders, individual performers;
- considers the results of research by temporary creative teams that have carried out research work under orders and contracts;
- discusses the issues of international joint activities of the institute, the progress of research work carried out jointly with foreign scientific organizations, hears reports of scientific business trips of employees abroad;
- discusses issues related to the training and professional development of scientific personnel, considers, approves the topics of dissertation work and gives advice on them;
- submits manuscripts of scholastic works of individual teams and employees for publication, approves the composition of the editorial board and responsible editors of the Institute's publications;
- discusses doctoral dissertations and offers to send them for defense;
- discuss the results of the announced competition for vacancies for the positions of heads of departments/sectors, chief, leading, senior and junior researchers and submit candidates to the director of the Institute with whom a contract for the specified period is concluded;
- discusses the issues of scholastic and certification activities of the Institute and makes decisions;
- listen and approve graduate school reports;
- presents scholastic works, scientific discoveries and inventions for state prizes and rewards;
- in accordance with the established procedure, nominate candidates for scientific and honorary titles of researchers of the Institute who have made a significant contribution to the development of science;
- submits candidates for state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, members of the National Academy of Sciences and supports candidates nominated for members of other academies;
- considers and discusses other issues within its competence in accordance with the statutory activities of the Institute.
IV Working Hours of the Council

1.Members of the Council are elected by a majority vote at the General Meeting of the Institute's staff. The personnel of the Institute's Council are approved for 2 years established by the Charter of the Institute and its head.
2.The chairman of the Council of scholars is the director of the Institute, and in his/her absence – the deputy director of the Institute for scientific work.
3.Re-election of the composition of the Council is carried out when objective circumstances arise that require a change in its composition (dismissal, change in the scientific directions and structure of the Institute).
4.Under the Council of scholars, sections may be created under the chairmanship of the director of the Institute, deputy director for scientific work, members of the National Academy of Sciences or other leading scientists.
5.The Science Secretary of the Institute is responsible for organizational and technical support work, maintaining the minutes of the Council, and resolving current issues related to holding its meetings.
6.The work of the Council is carried out according to the project plan approved by the director, developed by the science secretary on the basis of the recommendations of the members of the Council, heads of departments and leading scholars who are not members of the Council.
7.Meetings of the Council, as a rule, are held 1-2 times a month, however, depending on the importance and relevance of the tasks set, they can be held more often.
8.The Council has the right to make decisions if the number of participants in the meeting is 2/3 of the number of members of the general list.
9.If more than half of the members of the Council present at the meeting voted, the decision of the Council is considered adopted. If the Council does not make a decision on secret voting, decisions are made by open voting and, if there are members of the Council who do not agree with its decision, their special opinions are reported in the minutes of the meeting registered as an appendix.
10.Decisions of the Council are of a recommendatory nature and come into force only after approval of the director of the Institute.
11.Employees of the Institute, with the permission of the science secretary, can get acquainted with the decisions of the Council on issues falling within their competence.
Decisions of the Council on the issues of awarding scientific titles and announcing competitions for vacant positions are enforced on the basis of the applicable guidelines.